改過之法 The Second Lesson: Ways to Reform
[Narrator]: How can we be free from faults when we were not born as saints or sages? Confucius once said, "One with faults should not fear to correct them." After Liao-fan spoke of the ways to create destiny, he proceeded to tell his son about the three ways to reform. First, one must feel shame, second one must know fear, and third, one must have determination and courage. If we are mindful of correcting even the tiniest mistake, then large wrongdoings would naturally be avoided.
[Narrator]: The Spring-Autumn Period mentioned throughout this book refers to a period in China's history over 2,000 years ago when the country was undergoing great change and turmoil.
【了凡】:春秋諸大夫。見人言動。億而談其禍福。靡不驗者。左國諸記可觀也。(「億」:猜想。「左國」:左傳、國語。「諸記」:公羊傳、穀梁傳等) 【人,既然不是生下來就是聖人,那裏能沒有過失呢?孔子說:「過則勿憚改。」只要有了過失,就不可以怕改。所以袁了凡先生在講過改造命運的道理方法後,就接著把改過的方法,詳細地說出來,教訓他的兒子袁天啟。這第二篇就是講改過的方法。小的過失,尚且要改;那末大的罪孽,自然就不會再造了。在春秋時代,當時各國的高級官吏,常常要從一個人的言語、行為、去加以判斷;就可以猜想到這個人可能遭遇到的吉凶禍福,並且沒有不靈驗的。這可以在左傳和國語這幾種書上看得到的。】
[Liao-Fan]: During the Spring-Autumn Period, China was divided into several small nations. Many prestigious advisors and counselors of these nations were able to accurately predict whether a person's future would be good, bad, disastrous or fortunate, based on their observation of that person's speech and behavior. These can all be seen recorded in several history books.
【了凡】:大都吉凶之兆。萌乎心而動乎四體。其過於厚者常獲福。過於薄者常近禍。俗眼多翳。謂有未定而不可測者。(「過」:偏在一邊的意思。「翳」:類似白內障) 【大凡吉祥和凶險的預兆,都在心裏發出根苗反應出來,雖然根苗是由心裏發出來的,但是會表現到全身的四肢上,譬如一個人很厚道,那麼他的全身四肢都會顯得穩重。一個人刻薄,那麼他的全身四肢都會顯得輕佻。一個人凡是偏在厚道的,一定時常得福;偏在刻薄的,一定時常近禍。一般人沒有見識,眼光像被一層膜給遮住了,甚麼都看不到;就說禍福沒有一定,而且是無法預測的。】
[Liao-Fan]: Usually, there are signs which signal impending danger or of coming good fortune. These signs are a reflection of one's heart; though it is the heart from which thoughts arise, the body and its limbs can fully portray a person's character. For instance, if a person is kind-hearted, then his every gesture would indicate steadiness and solidity. If a person is evil and mean, then his body and limbs would naturally portray a petty and small character. Often a person is more fortunate when he tends toward kindness and invites trouble when he tends toward meanness. Worldly people often do not see what is actually going on, as if their vision was blurred. Since they cannot see reality, they claim that fortune and disasters are unpredictable.
【了凡】:至誠合天。福之將至。觀其善而必先知之矣。禍之將至。觀其不善而必先知之矣。今欲獲福而遠禍。未論行善。先須改過。 【一個人能夠做到極誠實,毫無半點虛假,這個人的心就可以與天心相合了,因此;能夠用誠心處人處事,福禍就會自然降臨。所以觀察一個人,只要看他的行為,都是善的,就可以預知他的福,就會來了。相反的,觀察一個人,只要看他的行為,都是不善的,就可以預知他的禍,就要來了。人若是要得福,要遠離災禍;在沒有講到做善事前,先要把自己的過失改掉。 】
[Liao-Fan]: When a person is absolutely honest and truthful, his heart is in agreement with the heart of heaven. Therefore, when one can use this sincere attitude in treating people and dealing with everyday matters, good fortune will naturally follow. This means that in observing someone, we only need to pay attention to his behavior. If his behavior portrays kindness, then you will know for sure in advance that his good fortune is not far behind. On the contrary, when we see unkind behavior from a person, we will know that troubles await him. If you really want to have good fortune, and stay away from adversity, it is necessary to first reform your faults before practicing kind deeds.
【了凡】:但改過者。第一要發恥心。思古之聖賢。與我同為丈夫。彼何以百世可師。我何以一身瓦裂。耽染塵情。私行不義。謂人不知。傲然無愧。將日淪於禽獸而不自知矣。世之可羞可恥者。莫大乎此。孟子曰。(「謂人不知」:以為別人不知) 【但改過的方法,第一要發「羞恥心」。想想古時候的聖賢,和我一樣,都是男子漢、大丈夫,為什麼他們可以流芳百世,大家還要以他們做為師表榜樣;而我為什麼這一生就搞得身敗名裂呢? 這都是因為自己過份貪圖享樂,受到種種壞環境的污染,偷偷做出種種不應該做的事,自己還以為旁人不知道,目無國法,毫無慚愧之心;就這樣天天的沉淪下去,同禽獸一樣了,自己卻還不知道。 世界上,令人可羞可恥的事情,沒有比這個更大的了。孟子說:】
[Liao-Fan]: There are three ways to reform one's faults: First, one must feel shame. Think of all the ancient saints and sages whose names and teachings have lasted through hundreds of generations. They were people just like us, but why is my name tarnished and my reputation ruined in just one lifetime? I find that it is because I over-indulge myself in material pleasures and have been badly influenced by the polluted environment. I also secretly do many things I'm not supposed to do, and think others won't know about it. Sometimes I disregard the nation's laws and am not ashamed of it. Without realizing it, I stoop lower each day until I'm no different from an animal. There is nothing else in the world which calls for more shame and remorse than these behaviors. Mencius once said,
【孟子】:恥之於人大矣。以其得之則聖賢。失之則禽獸耳。 【一個人最大的,最要緊的事情就是這個恥字。為什麼呢?因為曉得這個恥字,就會把自己的過失盡量改掉,就可以成為聖賢;若不曉得這個恥字,就會放肆亂來失掉人格,便和禽獸相同了。】
[Mencius]: "Shame" is the greatest and most important word in a person's lifetime. Why? Because one who knows shame, will put forth his best effort in reforming faults and will eventually attain sagehood or become a saint. One who cannot comprehend the word 'shame' will be unrestrained and immoral. This person would then be just like an animal.
【了凡】:此改過之要機也。 【這些話都是改過的真正秘訣。】
[Liao-Fan]: These are really key words to reforming your faults.
【了凡】:第二要發畏心。天地在上。鬼神難欺。吾雖過在隱微。而天地鬼神。實鑒臨之。重則降之百殃。輕則損其現福。吾何可以不懼。(「鑒」:像鏡子照) 【改過的第二個方法,是要發戒慎恐懼的心。要知道天地鬼神,都在我們的頭上。 鬼神和我們不一樣,它們什麼都看得到,所以鬼神是不容易被欺騙的。我雖然在大家看不到的地方犯錯,但是天地鬼神,實際上就像鏡子那樣的照著我,把我的過失罪惡照得清清楚楚。過失重的,就有種種的災禍,降到我的身上來;就算過失輕的,也要減損我現在的福報,我怎麼能夠不怕呢?】
[Liao-Fan]: The second way to reform is that one must know fear. What are we to fear? We must know that the heaven, earth, spirits, and gods all hover over our heads in observation. They are different from man in that they can see everything without obstruction. Therefore, it is not easy to deceive them. Even when my wrongdoings are done in a place where nobody is around to witness it, the heaven, earth, spirits and gods are just like a mirror, clearly reflecting all my faults. If my offense is serious, then all kinds of disasters will befall me; if the fault is minor, it will still deduct from my current fortune. How can I not feel fear?
【了凡】:不惟是也。閒居之地。指視昭然。吾雖掩之甚密。文之甚巧。而肺肝早露。終難自欺。被人覷破。不值一文矣。烏得不懍懍。(「指視」:十目所視、十手所指(語出大學)。「文」:掩飾。「覷」:偷看。「烏」:何、怎麼。「懍懍」:懼怕恭敬) 【不只是像前面所說的而已。就是在自己家裡空閒的地方;但神明的監察,仍然是非常的厲害,非常的清楚。 我雖然把過失遮蓋得十分秘密,掩飾得十分巧妙;但是在神明看來,我的肺肝,早被看透,馬腳全露出來了。到最後還是沒有辦法欺騙自己,若是被旁人看破,這個人就一文不值了。又怎麼可以不時常存著一顆戒慎恐懼的心呢?】
[Liao-Fan]: Every moment, even when I'm in an empty room, the spirits and gods watch over me very carefully and records everything. We can try covering up our evil doings from others, but the spirits and gods can see through to our hearts and know our every action. Ultimately, we cannot deceive ourselves. We would feel embarrassed and dishonored if others happened to see our misdeeds. Therefore, how can we not be constantly cautious of our every actions and be fearful of the consequences they might evoke?
【了凡】:不惟是也。一息尚存。彌天之惡。猶可悔改。 【這還不只像上面所說的種種呢!一個人只要一口氣還在,就算是犯下滔天的罪過,還是可以懺悔改過的。】
[Liao-Fan]: But there's more to it! As long as a person still has one breath left, then he has the chance to repent of the most serious mistakes and offenses.
古人有一生作惡。臨死悔悟。發一善念。遂得善終者。 【古時候有個人,作了一輩子的惡事;到他快死的時候,忽然悔悟,發了一個很大的善念,就立刻得到好死。】
[Narrator]: Once, a person who behaved badly during his entire lifetime felt remorse just when he was about to die. He had realized his past mistakes and regretted all the bad things he had done. His heart came to a very kind thought, and immediately afterwards, he passed away peacefully.
【了凡】:謂一念猛厲。足以滌百年之惡也。譬如千年幽谷。一燈纔照。則千年之暗俱除。故過不論久近。惟以改為貴。 【這就是說,人若是在緊要關頭能夠轉一個非常痛切又勇猛的善念,便可以把百年所積的罪惡洗乾淨。譬如千年黑暗的山谷,只要有一盞燈照了進去;光到之處,就可以把千年來的黑暗,完全除去了。所以過失不論長久,或者是新犯的;只要能改,就是了不起。】
[Liao-Fan]: This is to say, if a person can have an overwhelming and courageous kind thought at the most important moment, then it can cleanse away hundreds of years of accumulated sins. This is just like how only one lamp is necessary to bring light into a valley that has been dark for a thousand years. Therefore, it does not matter how long one has been sinful, or if the offenses were newly made; he or she is a surpassing person as long as they are able to change!
[Narrator]: Though we make mistakes, it is good to correct them. But don't think it is all right for you to do bad things now because you can always repent later. This is definitely not allowed. If one commits a wrongdoing purposely, then the sin is even greater than before.
【了凡】:但塵世無常。肉身易殞。一息不屬。欲改無由矣。(「殞」:死) 【並且在這個不清淨的世間,是幻滅無常的,我們這個血肉之身,是非常容易死的;只要一口氣喘不過來,這個身體,就不是我的了;到那個時候就是想要改,也沒法子改了。並且人死了後,什麼都帶不去;只有這個孽,是一定跟去的。】
[Liao-Fan]: Besides, we are living in a tumultuous and constantly changing world. Our body, being made of flesh and blood is extremely perishable. If our next breath does not come, then this body will no longer be part of us. By then, even if we did want to reform, we would not have the chance to do so.
[Narrator]: Also, when a person dies, he cannot take any worldly possessions with him; for only his karma stays with his spirit.
【了凡】:明則千百年擔負惡名。雖孝子慈孫。不能洗滌。幽則千百劫沉淪獄報。雖聖賢佛菩薩。不能援引。烏得不畏。 【因此,明的報應,在陽間你要承擔千百年的惡名;雖然你有孝順的兒子,和可愛的孫子,也不能替你洗清惡名;暗的報應,在陰間,還要千百劫的時間,沉淪在地獄受無量無邊的大苦。雖然碰到聖人,賢人,佛菩薩也不能救助你,接引你,這樣怎麼能不怕呢?】
[Liao-Fan]: Therefore, when you commit evil, your retribution in the physical world is a bad reputation and name which will last for hundreds and thousands of years. Even filial children and loving grandchildren cannot cleanse your name for you. Whereas in your afterlife, you might end up in hell suffering immeasurable pain. Even the saints, sages, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas you may meet cannot save or help you from your consequences. So how can one not be fearful?
【了凡】:第三須發勇心。人不改過。多是因循退縮。吾須奮然振作。不用遲疑。不煩等待。小者如芒刺在肉。速與抉剔。大者如毒蛇嚙指。速與斬除。無絲毫凝滯。此風雷之所以為益也。(「抉」:挑出。「剔」:拔去。「嚙」:咬。「風雷益」:易經六十四卦之一(巽是風、震是雷,合起來即益卦),易經解釋此卦,有君子見善則遷,有過則改的話,) 【第三,一定要發一直向前的勇猛心。一個人之所以有了過失還不肯改,都是因為得過且過,不能振作奮發,墮落退後的緣故。 要知道若是要改過,一定要起勁用力,當下就改,絕對不能夠拖延疑惑,也不可以今天等明天,明天等後天,一直拖下去。小的過失,像尖刺戳在肉裏,要趕緊挑掉拔掉。大的過失,像毒蛇咬到手指頭一樣的厲害,要趕緊切掉手指頭,不可有絲毫的猶疑延遲的念頭;否則蛇毒在身中散開,人就會死。就像易經中的益卦所講,風起雷動,萬物都生長起來,利益是這樣的大。這是比喻人若能夠改過遷善,其利益是最大的。】
[Liao-Fan]: The third way to reform is: one must have determination and courage. A person who hesitates to reform his faults is one who really does not want to change, but is content with what he can get away with. His willpower may not be strong enough, making him afraid to change his wrongdoings. For a reform to take place, one must use all his efforts and resolve to change immediately. One should not doubt or wait to reform one's faults. We should not postpone our resolve to change until tomorrow or the day after. A minor fault is like a thorn sticking into our flesh, and should be quickly removed. A big fault is like a finger bitten by a poisonous snake. We must cut off that finger without hesitation to prevent the poison from spreading and taking our life.
【了凡】:具是三心。則有過斯改。如春冰遇日。何患不消乎。(「患」:擔心) 【一個人改過,如果能具備以上所說的羞恥心,敬畏心,勇猛心這三種心,那麼就能有過立刻改了,就像春天的薄冰,碰到太陽光一樣,還怕不融化嗎?】
[Liao-Fan]: If a person can follow the three ways of shame, fear, and determination to reform, then his personality will surely be transformed. Just as a thin layer of ice is melted by the sun's rays in springtime, one's faults will also disappear when dealt with through these three ways.
【了凡】:然人之過。有從事上改者。有從理上改者。有從心上改者。工夫不同。效驗亦異。 【但要改過,有三種方法。一種是從事實上改,一種是從道理上改,一種是從心念上改。 因為用這三種不同的功夫,所以得到的效驗,也自然不會一樣。現在先從事實上改的這一句,來加以說明。】
[Liao-Fan]: There are also three methods of practice in helping one reform. First is changing through action; second is changing through reasoning, and third is changing from the heart. Since the methods vary, so do the results of change.
[Narrator]: First let us talk about changing through action.
【了凡】:如前日殺生。今戒不殺。前日怒詈。今戒不怒。此就其事而改之者也。強制於外。其難百倍。且病根終在。東滅西生。非究竟廓然之道也。(「詈」:罵。「廓然」:徹底拔除乾淨) 【譬如前天殺了活的東西,今天起禁止不再殺了。前天發了火罵人,今天起禁止不再發火了。這種就是在事情的本身來改錯,禁止不再犯的方法。但是勉強壓住,不再犯,比自然而然的改,要難百倍。並且這犯過的病根沒有去掉,仍在心裏。雖然一時勉強壓住,終究還是要露出來的,就像東邊把它滅了,西邊又會冒出來一樣,這究竟不是徹底拔除乾淨的改過方法。】
[Liao-Fan]: For example, if I killed living beings in the past, I now vow not to kill again starting today. If I was angry and yelled at others in the past, I vow not to get angry starting today. This is how a person changes through action, and refrains from repeating a wrongdoing by vowing not to do it again. However, it is a hundred times harder if you force yourself not to do something than if you just stopped doing it naturally. If you do not uproot your faults, but merely suppress them, the faults will eventually resurface even if you have temporarily stopped doing them. Therefore, the method of changing through action cannot help you get rid of your faults permanently.
【了凡】:善改過者。未禁其事。先明其理。如過在殺生。即思曰。 【我再把從理上改過的方法加以說明;肯努力改過的人,在他沒有禁止做這件事之前,先要明白這事不能做的道理;譬如一個人,所犯的過失在殺生;那麼他先應該想到:】
[Liao-Fan]: Second, let me explain changing through reasoning. A person who tries to reform can refrain from wrongdoings by understanding the reason and principle behind why he should not do it. In the instance of killing, one can reform through contemplating:
上帝好生。物皆戀命。殺彼養己。豈能自安。且彼之殺也。既受屠割。復入鼎鑊。種種痛苦。徹入骨髓。己之養也。珍膏羅列。食過即空。疏食菜羹。儘可充腹。何必戕彼之生。損己之福哉。(「鑊」:鼎有三隻腳,鑊比鼎大,沒有腳,像現在的鍋子。「戕」:傷害。「膏」:味道厚。) 【上天有好生之德,凡是有生命的,都會愛惜生命而且怕死。殺它的生命,來養我的身體,自問心能安嗎?而且有些東西,雖已被殺,但是還沒有完全死,像魚和毛蟹之類。在半死半活的時候放進鍋子裏燒,這樣的痛苦,一直要透到骨髓裏;你看罪過不罪過呢?而供養自己,就要用各種貴重的,味道好的東西,擺滿了一桌。雖然這樣地講究,但是一經吃過,便成渣滓,什麼都沒有了。要曉得人吃蔬菜素食素湯等等,也吃得飽啊!何必一定要去傷害生命,造殺生的罪孽,減少自己的福報呢?】
[Narrator]: Loving all living things is the virtue of heaven. All living beings love life and are afraid to die. How can I be at peace with myself by taking another's life to nurture my own? At times, animals were even cooked alive, such as fish or crabs. They may not have been completely slaughtered before going into the cooking pot. Such pain and suffering reach down into the bones, how can we be so cruel to these animals? When we eat, we use all kinds of expensive and tasty things to nourish our bodies, enough to fill the whole dinner table! But once the meal is done, even the delicacies become body waste and are excreted. The result of our killing accomplishes nothing. We can be nourished just as well by consuming vegetarian foods. Why let your stomach become a graveyard and reduce your fortune through the sin of killing?
【了凡】:又思血氣之屬。皆含靈知。既有靈知。皆我一體。縱不能躬修至德。使之尊我親我。豈可日戕物命。使之仇我憾我於無窮也。一思及此。將有對食傷心。不能下咽者矣。(「憾」:恨) 【又想,凡是有血氣有生命的東西,都有靈性知覺,既然都有靈性知覺,那麼和我都是一樣的了,就算是自己不能修到道德極高的地步,使他們都來尊重我,親近我,像古時候的聖人大舜,還在他種田的時候就有象替他犁田,鳥幫他拔草。又怎能天天傷害生命,使它們與我結仇,恨我到永無盡期呢?能想到這些,那就會面對桌上有血肉,有生命的菜餚,自然覺得傷心而不能下咽了。】
[Liao-Fan]: Think again of all the living beings with flesh and blood. Like us, they have a consciousness. We should cultivate virtue and allow these living beings to feel safe around us. How can we continue to harm their lives and make them hate us? If you think about it, you will naturally feel sorrow for these animals and be unable to swallow their flesh.
【了凡】:如前日好怒。必思曰。人有不及。情所宜矜。悖理相干。於我何與。本無可怒者。(「矜」:哀憐。「干」:冒犯) 【譬如像前天喜歡發怒,應該想到:人各有各的長處,也各有各的短處;碰到他人短處的地方,按照情理,應該要哀憐他的苦惱,原諒他的短處;若是有人不講道理冒犯了我,那是錯在他,與我有什麼關係呢?本來就沒什麼怒可以發的呀!】
[Liao-Fan]: Here's another example of change through reasoning. One who often gets angry should stop and think of the fact that everyone has their individual strengths and weaknesses. According to my reasoning, if I touched on someone else's weakness, I should pity him for his weaknesses and forgive his shortcomings. If someone offends me for no reason at all, then it is their problem, and that has nothing to do with me. There is no reason for me to get angry. I can also think:
[Narrator]: There isn't a right minded person who thinks he is always right, for anyone who thinks he is perfect must be a fool. There isn't a learned person who blames another for being knowledgeable, because a truly learned person would be humble, and he will only criticize himself and treat others with tolerance. Therefore, one who complains about others is not a genuine learned person.
【了凡】:又思天下無自是之豪傑。亦無尤人之學問。行有不得。皆己之德未修。感未至也。吾悉以自反。則謗毀之來。皆磨煉玉成之地。我將歡然受賜。何怒之有。(「天下無自是之豪傑」:天下無豪傑自以為是。「無尤人之學問」:沒有學問是教人怨恨別人的) 【又想到:天下,絕對沒有自以為什麼錯都沒有的英雄豪傑,因為一個人自以為了不起,那是最笨的人。天下也絕對沒有怨恨旁人的學問;因為人若是真正有學問,就會更加謙虛;而且能嚴以責己,寬以待人,那裏會怨恨別人呢?所以怨恨別人的人,定無學問。 因此,一個人做事處處不能稱心,都是因為自己的道德沒修好,功德沒修滿,感動人的心不夠呀!應該都要反過來自我反省檢討。自己有沒有對不起他人的地方? 能夠這樣的存心用功,那麼別人毀謗我,反而變成磨鍊我,成就我反面的教育場所了。我應該歡歡喜喜地接受別人給我的教訓、批評,還有什麼怨恨呢?】
[Liao-Fan]: Therefore, when things do not go the way we wish, it is because we haven't cultivated our virtues and morals, and have not accumulated enough merits to move others! We should always reflect upon ourselves first and see whether we have mistreated others. If we practice thus and diligently cultivate this virtue, then adversity and slander can actually become our training ground to refine our character and to fulfill our goals. Therefore, we should be very glad to accept someone else's criticism and teachings. What is there to be angry and complain about?
【了凡】:又聞謗而不怒。雖讒燄薰天。如舉火焚空。終將自息。聞謗而怒。雖巧心力辯。如春蠶作繭。自取纏綿。怒不惟無益。且有害也。其餘種種過惡,皆當據理思之。此理既明。過將自止。(「讒」:壞話挑撥。「纏綿」:自己縛住自己) 【還有,聽到別人說我壞話而能夠不生氣,儘管壞話說得很厲害,像火光薰天,也不過是像拿火去燒空中,虛空中無物可燒;而火卻是終歸要熄滅的。若是聽到別人說壞話,你就生氣;雖然你用盡心思,盡力去辯,結果卻像春天的蠶吐絲,把自己束縛住一樣;這就是所謂的作繭自縛,自討苦吃。所以生氣不但是無益處,並且還是有害的。 這都是說生氣的後果。至於其它種種的過失和罪惡,也都應該依道理,細細去想,像上邊所說的種種道理能夠明白,那就自然而然地不會犯過失了。】
[Liao-Fan]: Additionally, to remain unmoved by slander is like letting a torch burn itself out in space. If we hear others slandering us and try to defend ourselves, it would be like the spring silkworm spinning its own cocoon. There was an old saying which stated 'one who ties himself in a cocoon is looking for suffering'. Therefore, no benefit but harm is derived from getting angry. There are other faults and offenses we can change along the same lines. If we can understand the reasoning behind the need for reform, we will not make the same mistakes twice.
【了凡】:何謂從心而改。過有千端。惟心所造。吾心不動。過安從生。學者於好色好名好貨好怒種種諸過。不必逐類尋求。但當一心為善。正念現前。邪念自然污染不上。如太陽當空。魍魎潛消。此精一之真傳也。(「貨」:財物。「魍魎」:妖怪。「潛」:伏住不現。「精一」:書經謂 ”唯精唯一”) 【怎樣叫做從心上改過呢?人的過失,有千千萬萬種那麼多,都是從心上造出來的,我的心不動,就什麼事情都不會造出來,那麼過失還會從何處生出來呢?凡是讀書人,或是喜歡女色,或是喜歡名聲,或是喜歡財物,或是喜歡發火;像這樣種種的過失,不必要一類一類的去尋求滅過的方法;只要一心一意地發善心,做善事,正的念頭出現在前;那末邪的念頭,自然就污染不上了。 譬如亮熱的太陽當空而照,所有的妖怪,自然會逃避消失了;這就是最精純而唯一的修心補過的真正訣竅啊!】
[Liao-Fan]: Lastly, what is meant by changing from the heart? Though a person's faults can amount to thousands of different types, they all stem from thoughts of the mind. If my heart is still of thoughts, then actions will not arise and faults can be avoided. If your heart is rooted in vices such as desire, fame, profits, or anger, you don't have to find ways to get rid of each fault. All you need is a sincere, kind heart and the willingness to practice kind deeds. As long as your heart is virtuous and kind, then naturally your mind will not generate any improper thoughts.
【了凡】:過由心造。亦由心改。如斬毒樹。直斷其根。奚必枝枝而伐。葉葉而摘哉。(「奚」:何) 【須知道過失全部是由這顆心造的,因此也應該由這顆心上來改;正好像斬除毒樹一樣,要斬就斬得乾淨俐落,連根鏟除,才不會再長出來;那又何必要一枝一枝的剪,一葉一葉的摘呢?】
[Liao-Fan]: All mistakes stem from the heart; therefore, one should change from the heart. It is like getting rid of a poisonous tree. If you want to put an end to it, you must uproot it altogether so it cannot grow again. Why exert yourself to no avail by pulling out its leaves one by one and cutting it twig by twig?
[Liao-Fan]: The best way to reform our faults is through cultivating our hearts. If we are willing to cultivate our hearts, then it is possible to purify our faults right away.
[Narrator]: This is because wrongdoings originate from the heart. Purifying the heart can erase all improper and bad thoughts before they are carried out in action.
【了凡】:大抵最上者治心。當下清淨。纔動即覺。覺之即無。苟未能然。須明理以遣之。又未能然。須隨事以禁之。以上事而兼行下功。未為失策。執下而昧上。則拙矣。(「遣」:打發他去。) 【改過最上最高的方法,還是修心。能修心,就可使心立刻清淨。因為犯過失,都是心上動了種種壞念頭的緣故。能修心,那末壞念頭一動,就自己發覺。自己能發覺,就立刻把心停往不動;心不動,那麼壞念頭便消失,也就不會再犯了。若是再不能夠這樣,那麼一定要明白,所犯過失的理由,把這種犯過的念頭去掉。若是再不能夠這樣,那麼只好碰到犯過時,用勉強壓住的方法,來禁止不犯。如果用修心的上等功夫,和明白不可犯過的道理,用打發它去的下等功夫,以及碰到犯過用強壓方法禁止的下等功夫;這上下兩等的功夫,同時用,也不一定就失算呀!若是堅持只用下等功夫,反而把修心的上等功夫忽略不用,那就是最笨不過的了。】
[Liao-Fan]: If my heart is pure, I can recognize and stop an evil thought as soon as it arises. The immoral idea will disappear the moment I lay my conscious on it. If I am unable to succeed at reforming a fault through changing the heart, then I will try at the level of understanding, knowing the reasons why I need to make the change. If I cannot succeed with this, then I will try to reform by changing through action and force the thought to dissipate. The best way is by cultivating the heart and understanding the reason behind the need to change. The alternative way is forcing ourselves not to commit the wrongdoing again. Sometimes all three methods have to be used to succeed at reforming a fault. Don't be a fool by dismissing the best way and preferring the alternative way.
【了凡】:顧發願改過。明須良朋提醒。幽須鬼神證明。一心懺悔。晝夜不懈。經一七二七。以至一月二月三月。必有效驗。 【但是發願改過,也要有助力;明裏頭,要有真正的益友在你糊塗的時候時常來提醒你;暗裏頭,要有鬼神替你證明;(像我把自己所犯的過失,做了篇疏文,上告天地鬼神那樣。)還要一心一意的虔誠懺悔,從早到晚,從日到夜,絕不放鬆;像我這樣懺悔經過一個七天,兩個七天;直到一個月,兩個月,三個月....這樣懺悔下去,一定會有效驗的!】
[Liao-Fan]: But even when one vows to change, assistance is needed to truly reform. We will need constant reminders from true friends who are witnesses to our actions in everyday life. As for our good and bad thoughts, we can ask the spirits and gods to be our witness. I practice this by writing down all my faults and reporting them to the heavens, earth, spirits, and gods. You also need to repent sincerely and wholeheartedly from morning to evening without laxity. If one can sincerely repent from one to two weeks, then one to three months, continuing this way, then one will definitely attain results and benefits.
【了凡】:或覺心神恬曠。或覺智慧頓開。或處宂沓而觸念皆通。或遇怨仇而回瞋作喜。或夢吐黑物。或夢往聖先賢。提攜接引。或夢飛步太虛。或夢幢幡寶蓋。種種勝事。皆過消罪滅之象也。(「宂」:煩瑣細碎。「沓」:繁重囉嗦。「幢幡」:幢同了幡,都是像旗一類的東西。「蓋」:傘) 【上面所說懺悔過惡的效驗是什麼呢?譬如你或許覺得精神上很舒服,心中很寬閒;或覺得以往很笨,忽然智慧大開;或是雖然處在煩忙紛亂之際,心中仍清清朗朗,無所不通;或碰到怨家仇人,而能全把恨心火氣消除,而心生歡喜;或是在夢裏,感覺吐出黑的東西來;這是種種邪念邪思,積成的一種穢氣,夢裏吐出,那麼心地就清淨多了。或是夢到古時候的聖賢來提拔我,牽引我,或是夢見自己會飛到虛空中去,逍遙自在;或是夢見各種彩旗以及裝飾珍寶的傘蓋,這種種少有少見的事情,都是過失消除罪孽滅去的好徵兆。】
[Narrator]: What are the benefits of repentance? For one, you may feel very much at ease, and your heart will feel light and generous. A dumb person may suddenly become wise, and one can maintain a clear and relaxed mind even in a disturbing and confusing environment. One would also feel a great knowledge for everything. One would be able to drive out all hatred upon seeing an enemy and keep a happy attitude. One may dream of spitting out black things; a sign of expelling improper thoughts and negative energy, leaving the heart much cleaner and purified. One may also dream of the ancient saints or sages who have come to promote and help them, or dream of flying in space without a care in the world. One may also dream of all kinds of colorful flags and ornately decorated canopies. These unusual phenomena are all indications of a successful reform and dissolving of past offenses.
【了凡】:然不得執此自高。畫而不進。 【但是也不能因為碰到這些好徵兆。就自己以為了不起,而阻斷了再上進,再努力的途徑。】
[Liao-Fan]: However, one must not consider seeing these phenomena as a sign of perfection. Instead, one must resolve to further improve the self and put forth greater effort to reform.
【了凡】:昔蘧伯玉當二十歲時。己覺前日之非而盡改之矣。至二十一歲。乃知前之所改未盡也。及二十二歲。回視二十一歲。猶在夢中。歲復一歲。遞遞改之。行年五十。而猶知四十九年之非。古人改過之學如此。(「遞遞」:逐步) 【從前春秋時代衛國的賢大夫蘧伯玉在二十歲的時候,已經能時時反醒自己過去的過失,加以檢討,完全改掉了。到了二十一歲的時候,又覺得從前所改的過失,並不徹底;到了二十二歲,再回憶二十一歲時,還像在夢中一般,像這樣一年一年的過去,一年一年的逐步改過;直到五十歲那年,還覺得過去的四十九年,都是有過失的。古人對於改過的學問講究就是像這樣的。】
[Liao-Fan]: During the Spring-Autumn period of China's history, there was a high senior government official in Wei, named Bwo-yu Chu. When he was twenty, he was already mindful of his past faults. He studied his mistakes and tried to correct them thoroughly. At the age of twenty-one, he felt he still had not completely corrected all his faults. When he was twenty-two, he felt as if twenty-one was spent dreamily, without practical improvement. Thus, year after year, he continued to correct his faults. When he reached fifty, Bwo-yu still felt that the past forty nine years were full of wrongdoings. This was how particular our ancestors were regarding the correction of faults!
【了凡】:吾輩身為凡流。過惡蝟集。而回思往事。常若不見其有過者。心粗而眼翳也。(「蝟」:刺蝟) 【我們都是平凡人,過失罪惡,就像刺蝟身上的刺一樣,聚集了滿身都是。而回想過去的事,常常像看不到自己有甚麼過失,這實在都是因為粗心,不知道自我反省。又像眼睛上長了翳,看不到自己天天在那裏犯過呀!】
[Liao-Fan]: We are all just common people and our mistakes are as numerous as the spines on a porcupine. Oftentimes when we look back, we do not even see our own faults. This is because we are careless, and do not know how to reflect on our own actions. It is as if a cataract is growing in our eye, we become so blind we cannot even see that we're making mistakes everyday!
【了凡】:然人之過惡深重者。亦有效驗。 【但是,一個人的過失,罪惡深重到了相當的地步,也有證據可以看出來;】
[Liao-Fan]: There are also indications when people have accumulated too many offenses and sins.
或心神昏塞。轉頭即忘。或無事而常煩惱。或見君子而赧然消沮。或聞正論而不樂。或施惠而人反怨。或夜夢顛倒。甚則妄言失志。皆作孽之相也。(「赧然」:面紅、難為情。「消沮」:垂頭喪氣、精神不振) 【或者是心思混亂塞住,精神萎靡不振,隨便甚麼事轉頭就忘記了;或者是不值得煩惱的事,也常常感覺非常的煩惱;或者是見到品德高尚的君子,便覺得難為情,垂頭喪氣;或者是聽到光明正大的道理,反倒覺得不歡喜;或者是有恩惠給別人,對方不領情反而怨恨你;或者是夜裡都做些顛顛倒倒的壞夢,甚至語無倫次失掉平常的模樣;像這樣種種不正常的現象,都是作孽的表現啊!】
[Narrator]: For instance, one's heart may feel confused and oppressed, lacking energy and spirit. One becomes extremely forgetful, full of worries and feels embarrassed and depressed upon meeting a virtuous gentleman. One becomes displeased at hearing righteous reasoning and when showing kindness to others, is in turn treated with hostility. One will constantly have nightmares where everything is upside-down, and will talk incoherently and behave abnormally. These are the symptoms of those who have accumulated too many sins and offenses!
【了凡】:苟一類此。即須奮發。舍舊圖新。幸勿自誤。 【假使你有上邊所說的那種情形,就應該即刻提起精神,奮發向上,把舊的種種過失一齊改掉;而另外開闢一條新的人生大道,希望你千萬不可自己耽誤自己啊!】
[Liao-Fan]: If you have any of the above symptoms, you should immediately gather your willpower and reform all faults. It is necessary to form a new life for yourself. I hope you will not delay!